attending a class

address and directions

22 Jan Smuts, Forest Town, Johannesburg, 2193

The branding on the wall outside says ‘Enchanted Forest Montessori Pre-school’. The premises are marked 22 Jan Smuts.

We are on the bend on the left-hand side heading towards Johannesburg (with Rosebank behind you). There is an island in the middle of the road, so you need to access it from this direction.

PARKING - You can come in and park in any of the spaces available. Parking is free.


Very casual, comfortable clothing for both you and baby.

Bare feet, socks, or shoes. Your choice. Do what makes you comfortable. Your shoes are safe at the door if that’s what you prefer.

We engage in sensory play during every session, which can get a little messy at times. All of the materials we use are washable, but you might want to bring some spare clothes for baby just in case.


A LITTLE SNACK - It would be a good idea to have a snack on hand for your tots, just in case they feel peckish. The class is busy and they might work up an appetite.

Please avoid peanuts/peanut butter and try to avoid food sharing.

SPARE CLOTHES - Sensory play can sometimes get a little bit wet or even messy. Please bring some spare clothes for your little tots, just in case.

SUNSCREEN AND HATS - The last 30 minutes of the class is outside, so please remember to protect your tots from the sun.


The class ends with coffee and biscuits and some outside play. Some classes may decide to have a roster to take turns in bringing something for tea.

This is a great way to meet other moms who are in a similar life space, and let’s face it, to get out, make friends, and to enjoy some adult conversation!


The class is for mom and baby, but we know that a lot of moms work and it’s not always possible for you to be here.

Don’t feel bad about not being able to be here personally, come whenever you can. You are welcome to send daddy, granny or a day carer to join when you can’t attend, they are most welcome!

The class is about bonding, but it is also about stimulation and development, you can still tick some of those boxes!



30 MIN - Free play and arrival. Drive carefully, have a seat with your baby on the floor and engage in some free play. Don’t worry about being late, this is a very chilled start to the class.

60 MIN - Ring time, music, sensory play.

30 MIN - Outside play and gross motor activities, mom coffee and social.